Medic primar obstetrică ginecologie. Supraspecializare Reproducere Umana Asistata – Fertilizare in Vitro

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Short Biography

I enjoy getting to know my patients and building meaningful relationships. I understand that each person is unique and that they have diverse cultural backgrounds, so I strive to actively listen and empower them to be an advocate for the health and wellness goals that are important to them. I’m dedicated to providing compassionate and individualized care by providing patient education and practicing evidence-based medicine. I’m passionate about practicing preventive medicine and helping my patients manage acute and chronic health conditions, mental health.

I find joy by doing almost any outdoor activity, including hiking, running, and exploring with our furbabies. I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I also strive to live mindfully and intentionally by creating uplifting routines and relaxing rituals.

Education & Experience

University of Virginia, M.D. of Medicine
Board certification
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
Field of expertise
University of Virginia, M.D. of Medicine
Years of practice

Working Shifts

Doctor’s Articles

Endometrioza este o boala inflamatorie cronica evolutiva, mai frecventa la femeile de varsta reproductiva si este o cauza importanta de infertilitate.Ceea ce trebuie stiut este faptul ca endometrioza produce un sindrom algic pelvin cronic, intens si progresiv, care afecteaza calitatea vietii si functia reproductiva in ansamblul ei.De asemenea, endometrioza afecteaza in principal functia ovariana, precum …

Stiati ca: Infertilitatea masculina este intalnita in peste 50% din cauzele de infertilitate, in general, Azoospermia (absenta spermatoizilor in ejaculat) este prezenta la 15-20% din barbatii cu infertilitate, Iar in majoritatea cazurilor de infertilitate masculina, nu se poate depista o cauza. Functia testiculara este asigurata de productia hipofizara de FSH si LH. Procesul de spermatogeneza …